Links Enrichment, Academics and Recreation to the Needs of Students.
Due to Longfellow relocation to the Â鶹ֱ²¥ Adult School, temporarily located at 1005 Parker St. Â鶹ֱ²¥, CA 94710. Available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (no walk-ins).
Yusef Auletta, Expanded Learning Interim Manager
Brazil McIntyre, After School Program Supervisor
Registration for 2023-2024 begins April 17th, 2023!
Click here for information.
Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS Mission Statement
Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS After School Programs support children in reaching their full potential by providing academic support, recreational activities, and enrichment classes in a safe and structured environment. Located at the school sites, we strengthen the link between the schools and families and strive to provide a seamless day. By working directly with teachers, staff, families, and school based programs we are better able to advance student learning.
What We Do
Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS programs provide academic support, cultural enrichment and recreation from the time the traditional school day ends until 6:00pm during the academic year.
The programs are in operation at nine elementary school sites (Â鶹ֱ²¥ Arts Magnet, Cragmont, Emerson, Sylvia Mendez, Malcolm X, Oxford, Rosa Parks, Thousand Oaks, and Washington), and at all three middle schools.
LEARNS also has morning programs before school at Â鶹ֱ²¥ Arts Magnet, Cragmont and Rosa Parks.
All BUSD students are eligible to participate in a Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS After School Program. Students can ONLY enroll at the program located at the school they attend. Students and siblings who are currently enrolled in a program receive priority placement for the following year. Additional spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Programs receive grant reimbursement for students who attend the program five days a week for three hours a day. Full-time enrollees and students meeting immediate placement consideration will receive priority in registration. Every effort will be made to accommodate parents seeking part-time enrollment. Drop-in students are not allowed.
Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS programs are primarily funded by the California Department of Education After School Education and Safety Programs (ASES) grant, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grants, parent fees based on a sliding scale, and various mini-grants.
Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS After School Programs consist of four major components:
1. Academic Support
The academic component supports academic success by creating links to classroom learning by offering homework support, small group or individual tutoring, and mentoring. The program staff is in continual communication with the classroom teachers to stay informed of students’ academic challenges and strengths, which enable the staff to provide appropriate academic activities.
2. Enrichment Opportunities
The enrichment component offers both traditional and non-traditional activities designed to build knowledge and enhance creative expression. These opportunities are offered by program staff and contracted specialists. The range of classes include: Visual and Performing Arts, Music, Life skills, STEAM, and many more.  Multiple sessions are offered per year. While participating in these components, students have the opportunity to sharpen and/or learn skills and discover new ways to express themselves. We have found that when children are offered the chance to excel in enrichment activities, their self-esteem and confidence soars, which leads to academic success.
3. Recreational Activities
We encourage personal growth through competitive and non-competitive sports by building teamwork and a healthy competitive spirit, developing relationships, and having fun. Through our partnership with the City of Â鶹ֱ²¥ we are able to offer our elementary school students an enhanced athletic program. The middle school programs include recreational sports and interscholastic athletic teams
LEARNS Middle School Sports Programs
We encourage personal growth through competitive and non-competitive sports by building teamwork and a healthy competitive spirit, developing relationships, and having fun. The middle school programs include recreational sports and interscholastic athletic teams.
LEARNS Middle School Sports Programs
Sports Programs
The sports programs at the Middle schools are a part of the LEARNS after school program. If your student plays any sport in the LEARNS program, registration and monthly LEARNS fees are required while participating.
Middle School LEARNS Fees for Sports FAQ:
Why do we have to pay for athletics participation fees in a public school district?
Similar to neighboring districts, there are fees for afterschool opt in athletic programs
What are the fees used for?
- Athletic equipment and uniforms
- Fees for game officiating
- Stipends for BUSD staff to coach individual teams
- Fees for tournaments
- Salaries for Athletic Program Specialists (full time at each site) who do the following:
- Coordinate teams
- Scheduling
- Supervise events
- Coordinate Tournaments
- Hire coaches
- Ensure all members of teams are enrolled in LEARNS
- Overtime pay for BUSD safety officers for games
- Snacks for all participating students
- Academic support/Supervision of students while attending
What if my family can afford the fees, and we want to contribute for those who do not qualify for free, but still cannot afford the rates?
We have started the BUSD Scholarship Fund Athletic MS fund, where anyone is able to contribute funds for their school’s athletic program
Donate to Longfellow MS Athletics
Donate to MLK MS Athletics
Donate to Willard MS AthleticsÂ
What if my family cannot afford the fees?
All fees are assessed per the scale. If you cannot afford the rate indicated on the scale, please communicate with your LEARNS Program Specialist, or the Program Supervisors
Middle School Student-Athlete Forms:
BUSD Health Certification for Participation in Group Sports
4. Community Building
Â鶹ֱ²¥ LEARNS programs instill a sense of community among the students that foster pride in their program, school, and community. Building intentional communities, with a focus on serving the social-emotional needs of our students. Some of the related activities include community circles, leadership programs, Be The Change team and community building activities, community service projects, and restorative justice models. In addition, the programs serve as a resource to families and the community. The programs encourage and value all forms of parent/guardian involvement and offer multiple opportunities for parents/guardians to engage in their children’s education.
Registration Information
For the 2023-2024 School year, registration is starting Monday, April 17th at 9:00 a.m. We will accept applications through May 19th. All families currently LEARNS must complete registration for next school year
For more information about registration,
Completing the application does not guarantee enrollment. Priority is given to full-time students, students currently enrolled and their siblings, and students meeting immediate service criteria as listed within our fee scale notice. Additional space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are then enrolled in the program on a space-availability basis in the order applications are received.
Once the application for your student is submitted, your student will be placed on the wait list. By the end of the current school year, you will be notified of the application status by the Program Specialist at your school. The Program Specialists can be reached at their site until the last day of school in June and will return to work when school begins in August.
LEARNS Late Pick-up Notification
FAMILY MEMBERS MUST ARRIVE BEFORE 6:00 P.M. TO PICK UP THEIR CHILD/CHILDREN. If a child is left at the program after 6:00 p.m., we will consider this a late pick-up. The policy for late pick-ups is as follows:
- After the first late pick-up, you will receive a verbal and written notification that a late pick-up has occurred.
- Parents who are late in picking up their child/children 3 times during the school year may be dropped from the program
- Program staff will call the Â鶹ֱ²¥ Police Department to pick up any child who has not been picked up by 6:15 p.m.
We realize that situations might make it difficult for you to always pick up your child on time. If you think you will have difficulty picking up your child on time, please arrange for an alternative pick-up and notify the staff of your arrangements.